Leo and Lulu Calva
Serves with World Venture out of Loja, Ecuador. They feel called to share the Gospel and to plant churches throughout southern Ecuador. During the last four years, the Calva’s have planted a central church called Mustard Seed, and are currently partnering with Serving in Missions (SIM) to plant churches in Purunuma, Gonzanama and Belen-Bolonia. For more info: www.worldventure.com
John and Eriko Houlette
Has served as missionaries to Japan for over twenty years. After the Fukushima tsumani and its aftermath, they felt God leading them to begin Three Stream Ministries with Asia Access. Three Stream Ministries was launched with a vision to see vibrant communities of servant leaders in Japan and Asia empowering their peers to be whole, holy, and missional. For more info: http://www.asianaccess.org/houlette
Melba Means
Served for many years as a missionary to Cote d’Ivoire, Africa through World Venture. Due to health concerns, Melba has settled in stateside and is currently serving with International Students Inc. where she provides housing for one to three college students. Melba is actively involved in the Friday night English Coffee House outreach at Portland State University. For years she has also served as a chaperon for ISI retreats and trips.
For more info: http://www.isionline.org/
Andy and Junko Meeko
Serves the Lord in Tokyo, Japan through World Venture. They are developing tools and training for emotional care and evangelism for the Japanese to use in reaching out to their own people. Andy’s parents were also missionaries in Japan and Junko was already serving the Lord on the missions field long before she met Andy. For more info: www.worldventure.com
The Pittman Family
Jason and Shannon Pittman serve the Lord in an evangelism and discipleship ministry through Campus Ambassadors. They were appointed by Missions Door in 2001 to serve as Campus Ministry Specialists at Oregon State and Linn-Benton Community College. The Pittman’s have a close connection with Newport FBC and visit often. To contact: The Pittman’s Email
Ridley and Enedith Rengifo
Serves the Lord in Yurimaguas, Peru evangelizing, discipling, and training men and women with the Gospel of Christ. Much of Ridley’s ministry is rural and requires much time and energy. The Rengifo’s have been instrumental in raising up and encouraging churches within Peru along with reaching out to others via ministry to prisons, hospitals, and varies towns. To contact: The Regnifo’s Email
The Rogers Family
Thomas and Kristine Rogers are serving with InFaith Ministries. They work with children, teens and young families through puppet ministry, tutoring club and men’s ministries in the small town of Mt. Morris, Illinois. Thomas grew up at First Baptist and is the son of Bill and Pam Rogers. Thomas was trained in puppetry by our own puppet squad leaders, Cheryl Smith and Denise Schaecher, and got a taste for how puppets could be used during the puppet team missions trip to rural Alaska. Kristine is a third-generation puppeteer and musician and both her parents and grandparents have served with InFaith. They have five young children.
For more info: http://infaith.org
Don and Faye Smith
Are the founders of Daystar University located in Nairobi, Kenya. Daystar exists to be a light for the nations, first in East Africa, then the Middle East, and the Indian Ocean basin. (Isaiah 49:6) They pray, fellowship, counsel, and teach young adults from over 25 nations to be strong biblically-informed witnesses in every profession and calling. They are in a critically important arena as nations seek to develop and lift their people out of poverty. Though direct involvement in the university has subsided, Don and Faye are often sought for wisdom and advice as Daystar continues to make an impact for Jesus Christ.
For more info: http://www.daystar.ac.ke/
Billie Williamson
Serves as the Director of Local Ministries with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) here in Lincoln County. CEF is a Bible-centered, worldwide organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, disciple them in the Word of God and establish them in a Bible believing church for Christian living.
For more info: http://www.ceforegon.org/