Sermon Archives

October 5, 2014

“The Feast of Booths and Disbelieving Brother”

John 7:1-10 (October 5)

September 28, 2014

“Full of Grace and Truth: And Some Did Not Believe”

John 6:59-71

September 21, 2014

“See To It”

Colossians 2

September 14, 2014

“Full of Grace and Truth: Eating and Drinking…Jesus”

John 6:51-58

September 7, 2014

“Full of Grace and Truth: A Blessed Mystery”

John 6:41-51

August 31, 2014

“Full of Grace and Truth: The Bread That Satisfies”

John 6:30-40

August 24, 2014

“Full of Grace and Truth: The Bread of Life”

John 6:22-29

August 17, 2014

“We Beheld His Glory: Desire vs. Reality”

John 6:14-21

July 14, 2014

July 13: “Healing on the Sabbath”

Our apologies for this and the three previously recorded sermons. Unfortunately, the audio input has been unavailable, however we hope to be back on-line next week, July 20th.

July 6, 2014

“If A Nation Is Blessed”

I Chronicles 29:10-14

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