Sermon Archives

June 28, 2012

V-Connect 2 “New Youth Pastor”

Hello First Baptist Church family! Exciting things are happening here at FBC. With the calling of a new Youth Pastor, we enter a new era of ministry. There is a growing sense of excitement and anticipation as we see God at work in us, through us, and around us. We look forward to new opportunities […]

June 24, 2012

Law and Order

June 21, 2012

V-Connect 1 “The Launch!”

This weeks video message! Hello First Baptist Church family! It is with my great pleasure that I introduce to you our first ever “V-Connect” message. With much anticipation, I look forward to seeing how this new “electronic” endeavor serves to support our vision and invitation, “Come and connect, stay and grow, go and serve.” So […]

June 3, 2012

Salt and Light

May 27, 2012

Consider Yourself Fortunate Part 4

May 20, 2012

Consider Yourself Fortunate Part 3

May 6, 2012

Consider Yourself Fortunate Part 2

April 29, 2012

Consider Yourself Fortunate Part 1

April 22, 2012

The Jesus that Matthew Knew

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