Sermon Archives

August 3, 2012

V-Connect 7 “Youth ministries and opportunities!”

God has blessed us with a new “youth guy.” This week Pastor Marcus will introduce some of the youth ministry activities and opportunites here at First Baptist. Pastor Glen

July 29, 2012

Change Your Thinking: A Faithful Heart

July 25, 2012

V-Connect 6 “A new season of ministry”

Hello First Baptist Church family!  As we head into September and a new season of ministry, we want to make sure that we establish those ministries on a foundation of prayer. I’m inviting everyone to join me, every Wednesday evening in August, to pray for Children’s Ministries at First Baptist. -Pastor Glen

July 22, 2012

Change Your Thinking: An Adulterous Heart

July 19, 2012

V-Connect 5 – “Back to School”

Jesus said that whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of the little ones will not go unrewarded.  Do you suppose that that holds true for giving a pink eraser as well?  Here is an opportunity to bless some of our youngest neighbors in the name of Jesus as they head back […]

July 15, 2012

Change your Thinking: A murderous Heart

July 11, 2012

V-Connect 4 “Community Breakfast”

Hello First Baptist Church family! What does it look like when we apply “Come and Connect, Stay and Grow, Go and Serve” in a practical setting? It looks like Breakfast With Our Neighbors! Here’s your opportunity to Connect, Grow and Serve and enjoy breakfast at the same time… -Pastor Glen  

July 8, 2012

Law and Order Part 2

July 5, 2012

V-Connect 3 “Coffee anyone?”

  Hello First Baptist. Do you enjoy coffee, lattes, and Italian sodas? Do you enjoy FREE coffee, lattes and Italians Sodas? Then you won’t want to miss this special opportunity to connect with others over your favorite Coffee Counter drink. -Pastor Glen

July 1, 2012

The one who makes us free!

Liberty and freedom in biblical context.  

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